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Last Visit: Within last 3 months
Member Since: December 4, 2009

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muchmore3's Information:
Gender:   Man
Birthdate:   October 3, 1959
(64 years old)
Lives in:   Dublin, Ireland
Relocate?:   Maybe/Yes
Height:   193-195 cm
Body Type:   Athletic
Smoking:   I'm a non-smoker
Drinking:   I'm a light/social drinker
Race:   Caucasian
Speaks:   English
Education:   BA/BS (4 years college)
Marital Status:   Divorced
Religion:   New Age
Religion Important:   It is somewhat important
Have Children:   Yes. We live together.
Children visit:   Still live at home
Grandchildren:   No
Active:   Always on the go
Living situation: Prefer not to say

64 year old Man in Dublin, Ireland Looking For: female

Profile for muchmore3
Well here I am, on my own, alone, with nobody else there, all by myself. Im an easy going fun kinda of per, always busy rarely out socialising, love the fresh air and adventure of just been out and about. Im easy to get along with, very chatty, funny (try me) Travel alot, ride my motorcycle, run a couple of marathons in the year, still play football, read, work study, guess im your average kinda guy. I just love people, well thats me.

My Ideal Person
My ideal will be the nice kind quirky funny smart up for an adventure. Not too self effacing or take themselves to seriously. But must be truly authentic genuine and so so nice. If your seductive alluring and can style look sexy that will be nice

Favorite films: Papillion

What are your favorite musicians or bands?: The DOORS

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